About us

Message from the Desk of Managing Partner
At JAY BEE INDUSTRIES we propel our inner strength and catapult the desire to provide the most reliable, efficient, competitive and environmentally friendly solutions for Power Distribution with expertise spanning for almost more than two decades in transforming power into efficient energy that’s safe for users and environment friendly.
Parveen Aggarwal
“Transforming Power to Enrich Lives”
JAY BEE Industries is the major suppliers of the Distribution, Power transformers & Servo Stabilizers in various ratings with manufacturing Unit I located at Panchkula (Haryana)
Unit II located at Nalagarh (Himachal Pradesh) and its Head Office at New Delhi.
All the Transformers & Servo Stabilizer/s designed by our expert design team, meet the specific requirement of our customers. Continuous efforts are being put to upgrade the technology.
We have supplied large number of Power, Distribution transformers & Servo Stablizer/s with ratings to Private and Co-operative sectors based in Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Union Territory of Chandigarh, Tamilnadu, Karnataka & Uttar Pradesh.
Apart from the above, we are supplying to Govt. utilities like HPSEB, PSEB, UHBVNL, DHBVNL, U.T. Chandigarh, BSES Delhi, Rajasthan State Electricity Board, MES & HUDA.
To be the reputed leader in Electrical Products & Services that ‘Empowers Lives by Transforming Electricity’. JAY BEE shall continually improve the effectiveness of the integrated management system.
To be trusted engineering partner & deliver highly energy efficient & environment friendly power distribution solutions to our valued customers.
- To provide efficient & professional leadership to JAY BEE team encouraging them to unfold their creativity in R & D, Design, Production & Services.
- Be competitive in price with continuous improvement in quality & bringing innovations in products & services.
- Committed on timely deliveries.
- To provide optimum productivity through improved working methods and motivation of the employees.
- Ensure involvement and cooperation of our employees through effective communication and ‘functional & behavioural’ trainings on a regular basis.
Our Core Values
JAY BEE INDUSTRIES with its cost effective yet premium products and Total Quality Management (TQM), backed by a highly qualified, skilled & well experienced R & D and Design engineers, together pave the path of continuous development that in turn contributes to a mutually beneficial relationship with our esteemed clients.
Trust, Value and Service remain our core foundation for doing business.
Our quality Objectives are:
To provide efficient leadership to the team encouraging them to unfold their creativity.
Every staff person to be trained for at least 4 hours every six months to keep pace with change in market trend and technology for the growth of the company.
To ensure each one in the organisation is striving towards maintaining a standard of safety and environment.
Reduction to bare minimum of non conformance in the process and product.