Our Services
India’s Top Transformer Service Provider
Our Service Experts give you the Best services across PAN India
Annual Maintenance Contract Services
In our Endeavour to continuously improve our service to our clients, we have involved a new schemes called “PVT” Protect your transformer on annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) basis to all the Transformer users, which will be just phone call.
Electrical Turnkey Projects
We have “A” class electrical contractor license up to 11KV and working of turnkey projects in Haryana and Punjab. We have successfully completed turnkey projects like HVDS, ARTC, Meter Shifting, IPDS, DDU etc. We maintain and are committed for high standards of safety. Our dedicated engineering team makes sure timely and safe execution of the work.Read More
Site Commissioning
JAY BEE Industries Site Commissioning include designing, supervising, planning, engineering, executing all other things that can bring out of best quality and performance. The compartmentalized construction prevents accidental entry to energized areas and designed to withstand electrical impulses, thermal and dynamic stresses. We bump off all hazard factors through risk assessment methods before final delivery.Read More
Our Core Values
JAY BEE INDUSTRIES with its cost effective yet premium products and Total Quality Management (TQM), backed by a highly qualified, skilled & well experienced R & D and Design engineers, together pave the path of continuous development that in turn contributes to a mutually beneficial relationship with our esteemed clients.
Trust, Value and Service remain our core foundation for doing business.
Our quality Objectives are:
To provide efficient leadership to the team encouraging them to unfold their creativity.
Every staff person to be trained for at least 4 hours every six months to keep pace with change in market trend and technology for the growth of the company.
To ensure each one in the organisation is striving towards maintaining a standard of safety and environment.
Reduction to bare minimum of non conformance in the process and product.