Quality, Environmental & Safety Policy
We @ JAY BEE Industries are committed to design, manufacture & supply transformers & provide related electrical services of agreed quality on time, every time to the satisfaction of our esteemed customers.
JAY BEE is committed to prevention of pollution in all forms from its operations and will abide by all related statutory compliances.
JAY BEE cares for the occupational Health & Safety and is committed to prevention of injury and ill health of its employees as well as other interested parties and will comply with all applicable statutory requirements

Chief General Manager/MM,
UHBVN, Panchkula

Chief Engineer (MM)
HPSBL, Vidyut Bhawan Shimla 1a-4

Chief Purchase Officer

Chief Purchase Officer

Chief Purchase Officer

Chief Purchase Officer

Chief Purchase Officer

Chief Purchase Officer

Abrasive Engineers Pvt Ltd

MahaLuxmi Rubber Udyog